Guangzhou Hird Kitchen Equipment Co.Ltd

2 in 1 Commercial Oven Pizza oven and Convection Oven BET-95

  • Product Item:BET-95
  • Category:Standard oven
  • Views:810
  • Convection oven
  • pizza oven
  • hot wind circulation oven
  • Convection oven
  • Product Manual:An oven is a chamber used for cooking, heating and grilling food. They are many types of ovens ranging from home ovens, wall ovens, industrial ovens and earth ovens. An oven uses either gas or electri

We offer all our dealer and distribution partners bake equipment. this kind of Commercial Oven 95L, it is the common function bread or pizza. it heats via upper and lower heating elements.through it's consistently for baking and cooking, a wonderful cooking made business success.

One stone is equipped with machine

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