Guangzhou Hird Kitchen Equipment Co.Ltd

Bain marie stainless and Bain marie electric for food warmer bain marie

  • Product Item:BM-4V
  • Category:Bain-maries
  • Views:1453
  • GN pans:1/3 x 6
  • #201stainless steel
  • with drain tap
  • GN pans:1/3 x 6
  • Product Manual:A Bain marie stainless is the food warmer appliance for a hot water bath. This model is perfect for gentle cooking, heating or storing hot food ready for serving and also prevents food from drying out

A Bain marie stainless is the food warmer appliance for a hot water bath. This model is perfect for gentle cooking, heating or storing hot food ready for serving and also prevents food from drying out, it is very popular in the self-service restaurant hotel or other catering industry with its continuously providing convenience and health for food.


  • Heavy-duty contruction for food warmer.
  • High performance Bain Marie for varieties of the food in one unit.
  • Easy clean 190mm stainless steel 1:3GN pan
  • 2.4kW externally mounted element
  • Intergrated water fill and water faucet.
  • Safety cut-out thermostat 30°C~85°C - empty pan
  • #201 Stainless steel exterior
  • Easy clean
  • Easy service
  • Fully modular


GN pans:1/3X6" X3;
Material:201stainless steel

Size: 580x370x265mm

Carton: 625x400x295mm


GN pans:1/3 x 6" x 4;
Material:201stainless steel

Size: 580x370x265mm

Carton: 625x400x295mm


Voltage:220V  Power:2.4kW;
GN pans:1/3 x 6" x 4;
Material:201stainless steel

Size: 680x580x265mm

Carton: 745x625x305mm


Voltage:240V,Power:0.85kW;                        GN pans:1/3X6" X3;
Material:201stainless steel(110V;0.85kW)

Size: 715x385x255mm

Carton: 715x385x255mm


Voltage:240V,Power1.5kW;                        GN pans:1/3X6"X3;
Material:201stainless steel

Size: 715x385x255mm

Carton: 715x385x255mm


Voltage:230V;Power2kW;                         GN pans:1/3X6"X6;
Material:201stainless steel

Size: 740x680x250mm

Carton: 740x680x250mm


Voltage:240V;Power2kW;                        GN pans:1/3X6" X6;
Material:201stainless steel

Size: 740x680x250mm

Carton:  740x680x250mm

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NEXT:Electric bain marie with bain marie temperature control

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