Guangzhou Hird Kitchen Equipment Co.Ltd

Non smoke Electric lava rock grill and Lava rock BBQ grill

  • Product Item:HEL-18
  • Category:Lava rock grill
  • Views:1475
  • #201 stainless steel
  • iron cast BBQ hot plate
  • High quality thermostat safety device
  • #201 stainless steel
  • Product Manual:Cooking with Lava rock BBQ grill can be rewarding and thrilling, especially for those among us who are environmentally conscious. Enjoy your cooking and don’t forget to experiment with different food

Electric lava rock grill are used to grill meat and vegetables for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons that lava rocks are effective is because they’re porous like a sponge, with small holes throughout the rock. Because of this, they are great at holding heat.

When you use a good number of char-broil rocks, you can distribute heat throughout your grill, including into places where normal flames or heating elements can’t reach. Hird lava rock is even heat, fast heat, and safety for use.



Material:#201stainless steel;

Product size: 368x630x330mm;

Carton: 420x680x370mm;



Material:#201stainless steel;

Product size: 688x630x330mm;

Carton: 740x680x370mm;


Voltage:380V;Power: 10.8kW;

Material:#201stainless steel;

Product size: 1245x340x260mm;

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